Residents of Minnesota are bracing for a record-breaking heatwave this week, with temperatures set to reach 100 degrees on Thursday. Although there is a 20-30% chance of rain on most days, this is unlikely to affect the scorching temperatures.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a news release, with tips on how to deal with the sweltering heat. They advise people to limit their time outside and seek refuge in air-conditioned public areas, if possible. Curtains or awnings can also be used over windows to keep the inside of a house cool. Additionally, all people should drink plenty of fluids, even when not thirsty, especially vulnerable people such as younger children and older adults.
FEMA launched a #SummerReady campaign in June to enhance awareness and promote safety in extreme weather. People can stay updated on the latest weather forecasts and safety measures available on the FEMA website.
Joshua Kafka