(Jackson, MN) — The Federated Rural Electric Trust, Jackson, recognized local organizations receiving $20,007 through Operation Round Up. These donations occur due to monthly contributions by participating Federated members. 26 groups received money in this 55th round of funding:
Organization – Amount – Purpose
Jackson County Central Post Prom $200 Toward comedian for safe post prom entertainment
Heron Lake-Okabena/Fulda Baseball $250 For seven new batting helmets
Reinbows, Inc, Windom $350 Scholarships & craft supplies for New One Day programs
City of Jackson Park Board $375 For soil enhancements at 3 new garden beds in Zimmerli Park
Heritage Acres, Fairmont $400 Toward blacksmith for two events in August & October
Des Moines Valley Health & $400 Toward 40 smoke detectors for needy households
JCC Community Services Garden Club $400 Offset costs for seeds/plants/supplies for student garden plots
SWWC Foundation for Innovation in $500 Toward Knowledge Bowl, Spelling Bees, Artists, Writers, in Education, Marshall & Science events for local schools’ registration/scholarships
Twin Valley Council Boy Scouts, Mankato $500 Toward snowshoes/poles for Camp Cedar Point in Fairmont
HLO Family & Consumer Science Classes $500 Replace 30-year-old cookware for two classroom kitchens
JCC Community Services $500 Buy replacement volleyballs and girls/boys basketballs
Rhythm of the River, Jackson $521 Buy music instruments for Kids Jam sessions at Tunes Tent
Jackson Co. Historical Society, Lakefield $600 Replace 20-year-old PC with new one for cataloging/business
MCW Indoor Pool, Sherburn $632 Buy two wall-mounted hand dryers for locker room
JCC Indoor Pool, Jackson $660 Replace women’s sink & buy 2 front door slip resistant mats
Heron Lake-Okabena School Library $650 Buy new books for elementary and high school libraries
Fort Belmont, Jackson $669 New laptop for history research on donated items & cataloging
Minnesota West, Jackson $700 Scholarship for Jackson or Martin County lineman or electrician student
Lakefield Ambulance Service $800 Buy two new pagers for two new members
Jackson County Libraries $900 Hire Zoo Man for summer reading program on reptiles & reading
Rebuilding Together MN, Jackson Co. $1,000 Safe at Home kits & fall prevention/accessibility modifications
Heron Lake Ambulance $1,000 Buy portable rescue sled for use at steep bank or confined space
Jackson Fire & Relief Association $1,500 Toward replacing self-contained breathing air tanks
Des Moines Valley Health & Human $1,500 Assist Federated members with emergency energy costs
Jackson County Salvation Army $2,000 Assist Federated members with emergency energy costs
Ceylon Area First (Fire Dept.) $2,500 Toward new self-contained breathing apparatus (air pack)
Total $20,007
The Trust Board received 28 applications totaling $95,818 in this 55th round of funding. The Trust Board will meet again in the fall to determine the next round of funding. The deadline for submitting applications is September 23.
About 77 percent of Federated Rural Electric members participate in Operation Round Up. They allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. For example, a bill of $55.75 is rounded up to $56. The extra cents go to a special trust fund, which is administered by an independent Trust Board that consists of seven Federated members. Since the first round of funding in 1995, more than $835,000 has been awarded to local organizations and as high school scholarships.
“Operation Round Up is a way for members to help members,” said Stuart Smart, Federated’s Trust Board Chairman. “Just a few cents a month, when added with other members’ cents, can really add up and do some good in our communities. On the average, a member’s Round Up contributions amount to approximately $6 a year, which is tax-deductible.”
The Trust Board’s policy outlines project categories eligible for funding:
• community service (emphasis on public safety, health care and enhancement of cultural environment),
• community leadership programs,
• education and youth projects (social problems and wellness/athletics),
• environmental projects (recycling, environmental education and environmental ag research),
• emergency energy assistance funds to organizations for distribution and
• disaster relief.
Interested organizations may go to www.federatedrea.coop to download the application form and information, e-mail info@federatedrea.coop for an application or call 507-847-3520; ask for Andrea.
Federated is a Touchstone Energy cooperative serving 6,800 members in Jackson and Martin Counties.