The Federated Rural Electric Trust, Jackson, recognized local organizations receiving $17,250 through Operation Round Up. These donations occur due to monthly contributions by participating Federated members. 24 groups received money in this 51st round of funding:

Organization Amount Purpose

SWWC Services Cooperative, Windom $274 For occupational therapy universal cuffs for kids unable to use

their hands & safety educ. materials for students with disabilities

Heritage Acres, Fairmont $300 Hire blacksmith for July 4th music festival event

Heron Landers 4-H Club $326 Buy sunscreen for Lakefield Aquatic Center, 2 umbrellas for

life guards & four kids’ life jackets for community pride project

Des Moines Valley Community Wellness $350 Toward bike helmets & safety vests for safety campaign

Jackson County 7th grade girls basketball $360 Toward jerseys tops and 6 basketballs for off-season games

HL/O/Fulda girls basketball program $400 To reduce the program’s camp fees

HLO Family & Consumer Science Classroom $420 Chemistry equipment for food science, like scales & test tubes

Martin County Historical Society, Fairmont $450 Replace up to three mannequins to display historical clothing

Jackson County Fair $500 Toward ag education displays in new baby animal barn

Granada Fire Department $500 Toward washer/dryer for turnout gear to remove cancer-causing


Prairie Ecology Bus, Lakefield $508 Buy new video splitter/amplifier & HDMI to composite converter

Dundee Community Club $700 For Ag Lime to recondition the softball field

Minnesota West, Jackson $700 Scholarship for Jackson or Martin County lineman student

JCC Special Ed Department $750 Toward new file system to modernize procedure

Reinbows Inc., Windom $750 Scholarships for four new day camp programs

Des Moines Valley Health & Human Svcs. $750 Provide smoke & carbon monoxide detectors for families in need

Family Services Network, Jackson $750 Toward back-to-school supplies for 250 students in the county

Jackson County Library $900 Hire Zooman for the summer reading program in 3 towns

City of Granada $1,000 Toward replacing emergency siren that no longer works

Dunnell-Lake Fremont Fire Dept. $1,062 For two new pagers replacing old ones that no longer work

Family Services Network, Jackson Co. $1,000 Buy coats & snow pants for children in need this fall

Jackson Fire Department $1,500 Toward new spare self-contained breathing apparatus


Des Moines Valley Health & Human Svcs $1,500 Help Federated members w/emergency energy assistance

Salvation Army’s Heatshare program $1,500 Help Federated members w/emergency energy assistance

Total $17,250

The Trust Board received 35 applications totaling $54,883 in this 51st round of funding. The Trust Board will meet again in the fall to determine the next round of funding. The deadline for submitting applications is September 30.

About 80 percent of Federated Rural Electric members participate in Operation Round Up. They allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. For example, a bill of $55.75 is rounded up to $56. The extra cents go to a special trust fund, which is administered by an independent trust board that consists of seven Federated members. Since the first round of funding in 1995, more than $691,000 has been awarded to local organizations and as high school scholarships.

“Operation Round Up is a way for members to help members,” said Marlys Runge, Federated’s Trust Board Chairman. “Just a few cents a month, when added with other members’ cents, can really add up and do some good in our communities. On the average, a member’s Round Up contributions amount to approximately $6 a year, which is tax-deductible.”

The Trust Board’s policy outlines project categories eligible for funding:

community service (emphasis on public safety, health care and enhancement of cultural environment),

community leadership programs,

education and youth projects (social problems and wellness/athletics),

environmental projects (recycling, environmental education and environmental ag research),

emergency energy assistance funds to organizations for distribution and

disaster relief.

Interested organizations may go to to download the application form and information, e-mail for an application or call 507-847-3520; ask for Andrea.

Federated is a Touchstone Energy cooperative serving 6,800 members in Jackson and Martin Counties.