The Fairmont Fire Department has announced the annual fireworks display over Lake Sisseton in Fairmont will be held this year on the night of Saturday, July 1st.

The Fairmont Fireworks display is one of the largest in south central Minnesota and is shot from the west side of Lake Sisseton, across from Ward Park in Fairmont. The display will start at approximately 10 PM or when darkness/conditions permit. Beginning at 6 PM a salute will be shot every hour on the hour as a reminder. With the display being shot from the west side of Sisseton Lake in the immediate vicinity of the bike/walking trail, the trail will be closed beginning at 8:30AM the morning of the July 1st.

Due to federal regulations, safety of the public and wiring which runs across the bike/walk trail, citizens are asked to stay off the trail or police will be called. Boaters are asked to keep wakes at a minimum starting at 8:30 the evening of the July 1st due to fireworks which are set off near the shore (providing the lake level is not too high this year). This is the 30th consecutive year the fireworks display is being conducted by members of the Fairmont Fire Department.