A transmission line equipment failure caused the Sherburn area power outage Saturday, November 6 at 8 p.m. for an hour.
About 600 Federated members lost power who were served by the Manyaska substation and are residents of the City of Sherburn and the surrounding area. Federated crews determined it was an ITC transmission line outage. ITC found a failed lightning arrestor on its transmission. The line with the fault was isolated by ITC staff and power to the substation was restored at 8:53 p.m.
“This substation, since it was acquired from Alliant in 2015, is at a different voltage than Federated’s other substations,” stated George Madden, Federated’s operations manager. “However, Federated will build a new $1.3 million substation north of Sherburn in 2022 that will be at the same voltage. This will then allow Federated to backfeed from other substations so future outages will not last as long. Plus, all the work going on in the south area of town is part of this project, preparing for the conversion next year.”
Federated is a Touchstone Energy cooperative serving more than 6,800 members in Jackson and Martin Counties.