St. James City Council


May 19, 2020



  1. Call to Order: 6:00 p.m. at St. James Community Building


  1. Roll Call: Mayor Gary Sturm, Councilpersons: Paul Harris, Ray Hahnfeldt Jr, Kathleen Hanson, Don Mackey, Josh Haseman.


  1. Determination of Quorum


  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Consideration to Approve Minutes – Council Meeting 5.5.2020


  1. Consent Items
    1. Payment of Claims & ACH Payments
    2. Schools, Conferences and Workshops


  1. Scheduled Bid Letting


  1. Scheduled Public Hearings


  1. Administrative Appeals


  1. Financial Reports


  1. Licenses and Permits


  1. Old Business


  1. New Business
    1. Consideration to Appoint Member to the Charter Commission – Sarahi Showalter
    2. Consideration to Approve Liquor License Refunds
    3. Consideration to Approve Purchase – Tandem Dump Truck
    4. Consideration to Approve Remove City Property – Fence at Downtown Park


  1. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Department Heads