Update on Local COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
Weekly Update: 4/19/21
Vaccination work as of 4/16/21:
• Faribault County: 5,276 individuals have received at least their first vaccination for COVID-19. 38.2% of the total population has received at least 1 dose. The percentage of population over age 65 in Faribault County who received their 1st dose of vaccine is 81.8% and the population of those eligible for vaccine (age 16+) vaccinated with at least one dose of vaccine is 47.6%.
• Martin County: 7,846 individuals have received at least their first vaccination for COVID-19. 39.5% of the population has received at least 1 dose. The percentage of population over age 65 in Martin County who received their 1st dose of vaccine is 78.9% and the population of those eligible for vaccine (age 16+) vaccinated with at least one dose of vaccine is 49.10%.
• Community Health & Human Services did not receive any 1st dose allocation of vaccine last week. 30 doses remain unclaimed from the week prior were distributed on 4/15/21.
• Mayo Clinic Health System Fairmont received 306 1st doses last week and distributed all by 04/17/21.
• United Hospital District did not receive any 1st dose allocation last week.
• Dulcimer Medical Center did not receive any 1st dose allocation last week.
Plan for week of 4/11:
• Community Health & Human Services is not scheduled to receive any new 1st doses of vaccine this week. Individuals who are interested in receiving a vaccine can covid.clinic@fmchs.com to receive help finding a local vaccine provider.
• Mayo Clinic Health System Fairmont is scheduled to receive 48 1st doses of Pfizer vaccine (16+). MCHS-Fairmont is offering vaccines to anyone who meets the currently eligible for vaccinations. Patients who are eligible per the MDH guidelines will be contacted via their portal account or can call the Mayo Clinic Health System vaccination line at 507-594-2100 to schedule an appointment.
• United Hospital District is not scheduled to receive any vaccine this week.
• Dulcimer Medical Center is not scheduled to receive any vaccine this week.
Additional opportunities for vaccine exist at the following locations:
Hy-Vee Fairmont Pharmacy
Get Your COVID Vaccine at Select Hy-Vee Pharmacy Locations (hy-vee.com)
Wal-Mart Fairmont Pharmacy
Flu Shots & Immunizations – Walmart.com
Sterling Drug- Fairmont
(507) 238-2797
COVID-19 Interest (yoursterlingpharmacy.com)
Thrifty White Drug – Wells
State of Minnesota Vaccine Connector is another resource for finding vaccination appointments:
COVID-19 Vaccination Registration (mn.gov)
Vaccine is available at no cost from any provider. Some providers may ask for insurance information.