Fairmont Area Schools Superintendent Joe Brown on Tuesday told the school board he has been receiving many questions from parents and staff regarding snowmakeup days. He explained that state law requires 165 days of instruction, as well as so many hours of instruction at the elementary and high schools.
“Our current calendar already exceeds the number of hours that are required,” Brown noted.
He said teachers are under contract for 184 days so they will put in all of their days. At this point, he does not believe students will have to make up any days, but there are four snow makeup days built into the calendar in the first week of June.
The board accepted a bid from Brennan Construction in the amount of $608,000 for replacement of seating in the Performing Arts Center in the high school.
The board accepted the retirement request of Jim Davison, grades 3-6 principal, who will retire at the end of the school year after serving the district for 30 years.
Other resignations accepted include Michelle Albrecht, elementary special education teacher, will resign at the end of the year after nine years with the district.
Tami Holland, ECFE aide, has resigned after 13 years with the district.
The board accepted a donation of $200 to Project Trust from the Fairmont Exchange Club.

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