The Minnesota United Snowmobile Association is holding its summer campout today through Sunday, at Fairmont’s Flying Goose campground and has a busy schedule of events to entertain and educate.The Blizzard Snowmobile Club is hosting the event

For activities, the event includes a bean bag tournament, scavenger hunt, mini golf and a guided motorcycle ride.There’s 11 bikes coming down with about 13 people. On Saturday they’re going to take a ride throughout Martin County and stop at a local establishment for lunch.

Things like this are a big deal to have fun and show that it’s not all work. It’s a chance for people of like minds to get together and share their stories about interesting places they’ve been and to make more connections. Several different businesses and people have made donations for an auction,like a grill and a lighted snowmobile sign, and helmets and jackets. Proceeds from that auction are going to go toward the veterans ride that the snowmobilers have every year.

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